If you’re here, you are most likely looking for some guidance in your giving. You desire to steward the resources you believe were put in your trust to further God’s kingdom and for His glory. More than anything else, you desire to hear the words, “well done, good and faithful servant.”

I understand that there may be times when your wealth can feel like a burden more than a blessing. There are things that steal your joy in giving. I’ve heard you say that it’s easier to make money than to give it away, WELL. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way, and to reassure you that you are not alone.

At Lovewell, we believe that love is only fully realized when given. We have the processes, tools, framework and people to maximize your impact and minimize the friction in your giving. We are fortunate to be surrounded by incredibly talented, skillful, and trustworthy nonprofit leaders who are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus with the highest level of integrity and efficacy. We celebrate the genuine partnerships between our clients and the network of such organizations.

Built on mutual respect and aligned goals, these partnerships go beyond the transaction of grants and grow into transformational partnerships.

If you find yourself daunted by the various barriers that steal the joy in your giving, we’re here for you.

Much love,

Andy Kim



Discovering and vetting organizations is a part of what we do. We efficiently collect organization data through a proprietary process and platform. Our vetting process ensures that the information we gather tells us something substantive. We are mindful of the time and effort that organizations could use to move their mission forward so we don’t collect data for data sake. We are committed to the collection and interpretation of data that allows us to provide our clients with an accurate and insightful perspective. By doing so, our clients are able to have the clarity they need to make an informed decision.


In a world where information is more and more readily accessible, we are committed to extract pertinent information through the lens of wisdom. Data tells part of the story, wisdom illuminates the bigger story. Tapping in to the source of all wisdom, we are truth seekers and tellers.


Our team have gained a wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom from both the private and social sectors, and we’re committed to learning. Our collective experiences allow us to best discern how to better serve our clients.


We’re in the people business. Appreciating that our clients are complex and dynamic, our human centered approach is designed to meet our clients where they’re at. We work to truly know our clients, and by doing so, we are able to serve them better. As a firm, our work is done in and through genuine, productive and fruitful relationships. We believe that philanthropy should be transformational; from the people being served, those that serve and those who support the work.


A one stop shop for philanthropy, our team leverages decades of collective private and social sector learning, and is uniquely positioned to provide data informed insights, genuine relationships and evidence based solutions to our individual and institutional clients.  



2501 S. Jefferson Ave. Saint Louis, 63104

[email protected]